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    B --> D[Design]
    B --> E[Useful]
    C --> F[FAQ]
    C --> G[How to rice thing]
    C --> H[Terminal]
    C --> I[An example ricing journey]
    click D "./out/design.html"
    click E "./out/useful.html"
    click F "./out/faq.html"
    click G "./out/how-to-rice-thing.html"
    click H "./out/terminal.html"
    click I "./out/where-to-start.html"


Most of the following are members of the r/unixporn discord server.

Animated Wallpaper - Dazai-san#6969 Picom Animations - nuxsh#9338 Uniform Look for GTK & QT Apps, QGtkStyle - Gingka#1796 Document has been edited by asdadsdafdfdssfd#7660

I have quoted some people here and there and credited them appropriately